Tag Archives: men

Strange Days in Saint Louis

So, civilization is slowly collapsing on us. It was sort of just a hum in the background. This shits getting real, yo. Just give it a little more time… well. Huh. 100 rush a memphis grocery beating people. Of course, these are all not white people, generally. Ferguson. In my own damn City, for all in that area is Saint Louis. I lived with the city between, but you could feel it in the call center I worked. Not anger, but the sort of disinterest that comes from those who are familiar with these events.

I was asked by a Hispanic what I thought. I said: “Kid fought the law and the law won.” Simple. Everyone in the reacto/manosphere knows what damn well happened. The media knows, everyone who still thinks knows. Only one a little confused was my autistic brother, who is simply too innocent to think deeper than the surface, good or bad.

My sister was more liberal, but at the same time, she had no answer to my jest to her worries about the violence “We aren’t exactly going to be shot by whites.” She left and dad chuckled. We see damnit. The benefit of being so deeply entrenched by Christianity. Almost real Christianity, but without the tender love so abused by the likes of the name it and claim its or lefty Lutherans. It’s brutal truth. You can’t be deceived easily by lies. Man is evil. Nothing else except Jesus.

We might not agree with the deeper deals of human biodiversity, but we know that monarchies are started by elite peoples. Stronger conquerors like the Normans took land all over Europe from Sicily to England because they were stronger and better organized than any others. Many other civilizations had their times to shine, but the Christian powers kept civilization together and from stagnation. It is not until the placement of atheism/personal peace and happiness OVER Christian values that the west begins to slow and decline. What lies there are we must decide the truth of.

Christianity is the great equalizer. It states all are brothers and sisters, not because we are all human, but because we all serve God and are bathed in the Blood of Jesus. It’s something beyond us. Christianity believed all men are brothers, so even now, the majority cannot question it, but they have forgotten something.

They are not our brother until they bend their knee to the Son of God.

That is why I propose something greater. This isn’t true utopia, obviously. This isn’t even fake utopia, it’s a simple idea, that all things can be conquered by the power of Jesus blood. And for all the problems human imperfection brings, only entropy is bringing our nation down. You can talk of the violence and inability to evaluate of the blacks or the cunning of asians or the greed of Jews, but in the end, the pride of whites is beyond ALL. Were not the Blue men of John C. Wright prideful that their tricks, stoicism, learning and Knowledge would win them judgement above the Locusts? Were not the Romans proud?! Were not the Babylonians so proud that they drank from the holy items from the looted Temple? Was not Cain proud of his own sacrifice?

All of their descendants are dead and only we, the West, have truly pieced together a portion of those fallen civilizations. And what makes us better than them?

We are all equal before God, but not before each other. That, of all things, should be remembered. For all the Human biodiversity people can sling, the Christian cannot forget, the black Christian is your brother. The completed Jew is your brother. All Christians are part of one body, one host, from the Alpha to Omega. Doesn’t mean anyone should stay as inferior as they are, but should grow themselves to their highest potential, for God and Jesus.

Will Christianity be able to support the theories of human biodiversity, which has an end, even more terrible than the Nazis for its everyman against his neighbor, and even against his own family. The liberals will side with the civilizers, who are Christians or ‘Christians’ and well armed or have too much to lose. There is no other side to take.

Call Center Follies, or Monkeys with typewriters

Working at a call center has taught me one thing, it is a universal trait of human nature to deny responsibility. I want everyone who ever reads this damn blog to understand something. You are responsible for your own actions, and there is a ‘normalcy’ baseline for everything all men do. This baseline comes from God, but is seated in decency, morality and faith. It is not normal to wear a tail and be a furry.

A person has to accept that he is fat because he will not exercise and because he will not eat even slightly healthy. So it is with phones. There are many different kinds of customers who call, and you tailor, like a popular, middle class courtesan, to their tastes. Some like to talk, and so you talk. Some need firm hands, others can only be handled tenderly, like fine china. Take some examples. Of the two genders, I am most wary about women. They are crazy.

It’s a two-fold problem, they are paying for services, but expect things I can’t give, also, they refuse to realize what’s their fault and what’s not. More subtly, entitlement follows through, but men are more naked with it, while women have the ‘not my responsibility’ flavor. Men do get angry, but they want solutions. The best way to ‘De-escalate’ a man is to bring solutions in a respectful manner. Get right down to the troubleshooting. Doesn’t work all the time, but it’s the best solution, by far. Women are different. It’s a maze of sorts. Some are akin to men and are decent sorts. Others… not so much.

Women in call centers are to men in the market, 9.9/10 useless to pursue, despite high numbers. They have problems or they are crazy. A call center woman is unable to get a man to provide for her, or needs extra money. Any number of things. The women who call them do. It’s funny to deal with them, in that they know that the men around them are not high-quality, mostly, and that there is a life outside the call center.

Some stories.

A woman calls in. Turns out she has no service in the area because of a tower being maintained. The tower was discovered to have flaws that needed to be fixed. Mostly, services drop a bar or two when maintenance is going on, but this one needed to be shut down. They were in the outskirts of a decent city so they could get service, but not at their homes. She was already angry, but not at me, but at the other 3 agents she called, who instead of looking at the network indicator, troubleshot. I played it cool and she didn’t escalate, forcing me to bring a manager. She demanded recompense and I offered a paltry sum, expecting her to demand more, then I would give the upper limit and so barter. Instead she stated her husband would be calling about recompense, and she wouldn’t accept anything ahead of time. I told her it wasn’t policy to give a lot of money for services being down for maintenance, but she hung up.

Another woman got past me, the next manager, his manager HER manager. She was angry because she was going over data. Little known fact, Iphones use up a lot of data constantly. You really have to put them on wifi or you could run over your limit without realizing it. She refused to accept her son’s Iphone was using 8 gigs of a 10 gig plan (she was using 3, her husband, 2. This is all rounded up, as the system rounds up). She demanded to speak to the manager. I was not able to calm her down, and she got to speak to one. She was told she did go over and the charges were legitimate. She escalated. Same thing, Escalation. Talking to the manager does not get you what you want. If you are wronged, sure that’s different. But I’ll take care of it for you. Just need a little approval.

Of course, being wronged is by our definition. Being wronged is a charge you don’t deserve because you don’t have the service or your phone goes crazy for no reason is a perfectly good reason for recompense. A woman called a customer care (I am tech support) and, this is through the agent, told us that she had been told that a giant ass crack that looked like lightning and covered the bottom half and maybe a good 1/8th of the surface area over all was not physical damage. Oh honey, it is. I told him the charges were legitimate and she needs to cover them. When you warranty exchange the phone undeservedly (and we check and probe), someone pays for it. When it’s legitly broke by no fault of the customer, it’s the pleasure of my company to exchange them. But if it has water damage or cracks or broken bits, then sorry, we don’t exchange for free.

A man calls up, he has no service when he travels to the boonies of California, and so missed a call. Sorry chuck, but your phone dropping calls out there where there is a known tower problem, if there are any around, is not XXXXX fault, and you’ve already had been given money by other agents. You get squat. No I don’t care if you lost business. XXXXX understands you need service, but damn, you gotta stay in range of the towers to get it guaranteed.

Men do have a problem with anger. It makes them lose focus on the goal, that is fixing the phone. A man calls in. He was hit with some fees that were erroneous charges. Happens sometimes, insurance or our billing goofs and bad things happen. If the charges are not legitimate, it is nearly a rule to remove them… if the customer is willing to play the respect game. He lost service because of the charges. But he paid a little while they dealt with it. He had two phones but only one worked. I was perfectly fine with opening up service, but unfortunately, I was very unfamiliar with this particular process, and needed approval besides, and so called a manager. I told him, hey, I’m summoning up a manager, and then we’ll deal with this, right? But the guy was angry about it. He called me a ‘monkey with a typewriter’. I laughed. He got angrier. He wasn’t in control. He disconnected and didn’t get his issue resolved.

These are some stories. Parables in a way, as it reminds one that the alpha’s goals are more important than injustices, scratches or his own mistakes. I sit and handle calls. I wish to serve, and enjoy it, in a small way, soul draining though it is. I do not give you what you do not deserve or what is not in XXXXX’s best interest. (Btw, the number of Xs is wrong) That is alpha because it’s my job. I provide services to ensure that the money you spent on us is handled properly. I know my way around the stuff now, and rarely ask for help from the managers. But damn, I may be a servile, but I do not give an inch I should not give. Keep that in mind when you get a good call center worker. The best will give what you need.

Don’t get me started on stay at home call workers. I hate their guts. But that’s another post.

Cultural Collapse involves the Exiled former Aristocracy


So this has been out for a bit. I have something to add. All respect to Roosh, he’s done a lot, but I think that he’s missed something. There are declines, but then, there are collapses. Declines have their own symptoms, but can always can be reversed. The reason why I held on to hope for so long, despite having the red pill digesting in my system, is that the decline would be lifted some day. If only I waited through the storms.

Of course it was a fool’s thought. Because we are going to collapse. Roosh I think, misses one point. I might be mistaking a symptom for a cause, but I think it is a cause.

The list is as follows, please read the link if you need an explanation.

1. Removal of religious narrative from people’s lives, replaced by a treadmill of scientific and technological “progress.”

2. Elimination of traditional sex roles through feminism, gender equality, political correctness, cultural Marxism, and socialism.

3. Delay or abstainment of family formation by women to pursue careerist lifestyles while men wait in confused limbo.

4. Decreasing birth rate among native population.

5. Government enactment of open immigration policies to prevent economic collapse.

6. Immigrant refusal to fully acclimate, forcing host culture to adopt external rituals and beliefs while being out-reproduced.

7. Natives becoming marginalized in their own country.

This is my addition: The exile, self imposed or otherwise, of the freethinking/productive men.

It was very hard to write that properly. I want to say ‘Natural Aristocracy’. But that’s not quite right. I am not an aristocrat, at least, a high one. Besides, I worship God in such a way that it makes me more of a priest. But I am still an exile. The life I want (fifties era etc.) is dead and I know it. I keep the rags in a travel bag to look at on occasion.

I’m still trying to grok the statement ‘Natural Aristocracy’ thing some people bring out. But I think it might be better, but at the same time, the natural aristocracy are those with power. And the powerful in America tend to encourage that which causes the decline. So… You see my mental conflict. There is an answer in there, and I would like to hear it.

A historical example. Flavius Aetius. He was a Roman General who fought Attila the Hun and won the Battle of the Catalonian Fields. But he was exiled for a time and he spent it in Attila’s court. He returned when called and became a hero.  The ‘Last of the Romans’ who pushed back the Collapse about a full generation. If Attila had won, had not been beaten in Catalonia, not been turned aside by the Bishop of Rome by a few kind words, he would have destroyed the decayed culture. The next Barbarians would not have come into the proper culture, destroyed by Attila and those that would come after. It may be that God took a moment, and so laid the seeds of a stronghold of Christianity. Which preserved everything needed for the Renaissance and the Carolingian Renaissance. In other words, the Last Roman of a decayed culture may have preserved us all.

I do worry that there are no Barbarians who can replace the decadent society… Muslims are not to replace the West, but rather, to conquer it.

Rome is not America, despite the fantastic amount of parallels. Even in their greatest depths, they did not forget that competent men are the lifeblood. They may disappear, but they always showed when needed, even if they lost, in the end. I can’t see America doing the same. They will never call for the exiles to save them, because they have valued values over the nation. Decline is reversed (until it is irreversible and becomes Collapse) by the heroic men. The Civil War and the Depression leading to WWII were similar situations. American Men rose to the occasion, whether farmer, worker, intelligentsia, Priest or Aristocrat. The majority wanted to and were given opportunity to improve themselves and the nation.

Not so today. The Men Who Would Do are in exile, and not likely to be summoned back. Ever. And that’s very very depressing. It’s almost suicidal, really. I think that’s another symptom of collapse. At the end of the day, there are those whose leadership could save Western Civilization. Whether it’s in the realm of the mind or soul, they exist. But they will not be summoned. And so the West will burn.

But I think it will be the Phoenix’s death, though, and something born of the west would rise again. As it did in Rome, so it will do in America. Maybe it will just be Europe that burns and America becomes a new Byzantium. Any number of things. But it will rise again.

Redpill Anime: Psycho-Pass and the Feminized Future

Anime is an ignored subject in the manosphere. They’re cartoons, after all. Most men have better things to do. But spend time on vidya games might as well spend time on anime.

Surprisingly, anime has a strong grasp of many red pill concepts. Anime like Seitokai no Ichizon or Kanon, which feature men and their harems. The anime has such concepts as agree and amplify and Machiavellian tendencies. Others are so blue pill that it’s sickening, examples include recently finished Outbreak Company and famous but over rated Guilty Crown. Then there’s the fun stuff like Kill la Kill (which deserves an article, or three) or My Bride is a Mermaid, which straddles a strange, unique line. From supporting monarchy to a boy growing to a man, a numerous number of anime falls on the entire spectrum of blue to red pills. An anime worth talking about, is Psycho-Pass. I talk about it in another blog here.

The anime is solid in and unto itself. I’m rewatching it in English, which was recently released dubbed. When I wrote that article, I was not red pill. With the red pill knowledge I have now, I am enjoying it even more.

The world of Psycho Pass is feminized. Women are seen the most as civvies. Group shaming is the rule, through the net or in person. Men still do the hard jobs. They actually act like women some times, with group shaming in a feminine way as well as being unable to self-actualize. I note that most men, except for some really crazy bitches, are depicted as the criminals. Why? Most men, almost always betas or unnatural in some way, cannot function in a true feminized society. One character, the oldest enforcer, is considered a criminal by Sybil for understanding the criminal mind. The main character is given potential, but is still a woman, and even gets in the way. Her kindness as a woman gets in the way of men doing distasteful jobs. She is only right about half the time. The other half has deep, deep consequences.

Sybil is a massive computer. I could speak more, but damn, the spoilers. It looks at the psychological health of the individual. If the individual is experience distress, or other markers that indicate a criminal mind or mental illness, they institutionalize them. After a while they are released, drugged up or brain washed, or they are put into prison or other fields as a latent criminal. A list of people who are imprisoned: A male obsessed tattoo artist, a lesbian anti-government guitarist, a male book lover. Then there are the enforcers, latent criminals who are deemed useful and act like attack dogs. Their members include: The aforementioned male cop who can think like a criminal, a guy who was picked up when he was FIVE, a guy who lost his partner, the afore-mentioned lesbian guitarist, a female bisexual computer engineer, with implications that there are hundreds more with other teams. The Inspector Ginoza’s father was a latent criminal, and that is hung over his head, despite his intense loyalty to the state.

Women are the only ones in that society who are truly protected. When one is killed, or taken hostage, it’s considered more serious than, say a simple murderer. Indeed, most men are placed in positions of criminal power over women several times through out the story. Why? The men are unfulfilled. It is only though the system can they be successful, and the system is all but explicitly designed with women in mind. They are suppressed from their natural male instinct to excel at something. In some cases, such as the cop who can think like a criminal or the tattoo artist, they are punished for being the best they can be.

Now lets talk about the villain. Mikishima works because he has no criminal intent. He is a full psychopath, no emotion, no negative feelings. The rest of the main villains are simple monsters, given leashes to their neurosis. They would be betas otherwise, but he grants them gifts, like a king giving fiefs to those who give homage. Whatever their desire, he gives them the power to realize it. You want to kill the men bullying you? no problem. You want to hunt the most dangerous game? There’s an app for that, and he’s giving them out. His inability to feel shame or other negative emotions means that he is invisible to Sybil, the model citizen. He understands that society is broken. He never makes it explicit, but he does the most to help other men. Exceptional women, as well.  He helps them reach what they may consider their full potential, no matter the cost to others. Because these people have very little constructive potential, they devolve to murder and the destruction of human life.

The first person they put down as too dangerous to society is a drugged up and frustrated man. He was flagged as having an unhealthy psychological profile (a ‘cloudy’ psycho-pass). He freaked out because he was having issues controlling his sexual desire. He had been using holochambers (I’m assuming prostitutes are illegal), but they had begun to fail to manage his lusts. He instinctively knew that the holochambers were fake. It’s the next level of pornography. But this one is worse, looking does little for the soul, but creating a fantasy, then acting it out in a hard light simulation means you actually go through the motions. It looks and feels like flesh, intellectually, there is a difference, but not in any other capacity. It is like eating cheetos. Satisfying, but really, it’s not food. The hunger is still there. So when he’s backed into a corner with nothing to lose, he grabs a hot chick and begins to rape her. He explicitly states he chose her because he would never get a beautiful woman normally, so fuck it.

The society is literally on the edge. Once rules break down, once the stick breaks down, society breaks down. During a riot scene, it’s mostly men. They are the most suppressed. They fed on the same trough as women and were expected to grow the same. No, it’s the same deal as feeding a dog with cow food. The dog suffers, but lives. So Sybil runs stop gap measures to preserve society, targeting non-social men. It turns out that Sybil will even turn a blind eye to the crazy stuff they use to keep themselves sane. It’s fine when it’s private, but like the tattooed man, public demonstrations are put down. But eventually, they snap, and Sybil has to clean them up.

The anime is well worth watching. The truths found within and the world presented is second to none. For the sci-fi lover: Psycho-pass.